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Project maintained by codesavory Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Path Tracing Project

Extendering the rendering technique of ray tracing to unbiased monte carlo based path tracer.

GitHub Repo -

*Extension of the ray tracer from -

Implemented -

1. Monte-Carlo based Hemispherical Sampling.
2. Multiple-Importance Sampling of light and BRDF.

Results -

Bunny, dragon & buddha scene rendered using MIS Path Tracer with 16spp:
Bunny, dragon & buddha scene

Cornell Box scene rendered using MIS Path Tracer with 16spp (Res: 1500px X 1500px):
Cornell Box scene MIS

Cornell Box scene rendered using Naive Path Tracer with 16spp (Res: 500px X 500px):
Cornell Box scene Naive

*part of an acdemic project in advanced image synthesis.